Jersey has a remarkable history, especially during the many centuries since it became an exposed, survivng outpost of Duke William's Duchy, within sight of France yet attached to the English Crown. More than most mainland people, its inhabitants are fiercely conscious of their special identity and history; while more than most islanders they are aware of their uniqueness of their heritage, produced by the interaction of two cultures and two rich sources of tradition.
It is not suprising that when the first great History of the Island of Jersey appeared in 1959 it enjoyed such immediate popularity that it very soon ran out of print. The result of long years of careful and scholarly research by G.R. Balleine, it was instantly accepted as the definitive history of the Island.
The Société Jersiaise entrusted the task of revising, updating and enlarging the work to two of it's members, Joan Stevens and Marguerite Syvret in 1981, and it has been in continuous demand ever since.
Now The Société has again undertaken a further complete revision, resulting in this present edition, completely re-set and redesigned in a more modern format.